Tuesday, December 28, 2010

How C "c's" it

get the glee reference to this title?? haha i know, i watch too much tv. but really, im getting a serious case of cabin fever. Im over the whole, "its the holidays and its time to rest" motto. and that is really something because if you know me, you know that i am pretty much resting ALL THE TIME. it really is a bad bad habit. (just a quick side note, i know my grammar/punctuation is virtually non existant but you'll have to forgive me, i've been spoiled by apple with my iphone spell check. that phone is a curse sometimes) ok back on track. my new years resolution for this year is just one simple word. MOTIVATION. so many days i think of how much life is wasted, and i keep wasting it. the years slip by fast, and im not one to really think that time passes quickly but my first semester of college is over. and that hit me really hard. so for now, i want the motivation to be productive. just how much could i accomplish if i was really trying my best? how many days of mine are not spent serving my Lord and Savior because i am tired, and i just really feel like laying around? how about the motivation to study? to pursue a career? to, heaven forbid, me find a JOB? i know, its sad, i have never truly had a real job. or one that i would call a real job. but im turning over a new leaf, cause im sick of wasting my time and being lifeless. you really do miss out on so much. do i hate still being in school and having to study? yes. but if i do it faithfully, knowing there is a goal in mind, using everyday to learn to better myself, my family, my country. I often think oh, i feel so sorry for future generations, they will hardly know so much valuable knowledge. and then it hits me; that is me. i stuff so much knowledge of US history, biology, etc. in my mind only to spit it back out on a test and then forget it completely. in order to further our society in a valuable way, we must must must be educated and knowledgable. my (almost) brother Drake, says it well: I want to know a little about a lot. i really think this is pretty smart of him. he's a wise guy! are you getting sick of my rambling? too bad. haha only joking, but i just wanted to get this out there. also, one last thing. this truth finally lit up in my head the other day. and it has changed my world. i never understood the meaning of faith in God til now. having faith in him does not mean that i feel his presence all the time. it does not mean i know the right decision to make all the time. having faith means i believe He is there ALL the time for me, even if i cannot see him, cannot hear him, cannot feel him. he is there. that is a life changing realization my friends. i still am holding myself back from giving all my life up to Him however. because losing control scares me, but i need to let go. thanks for listening.

i think i am going to start a weekly post of, How C "c's" It. it just seems perfect to me :)

love to all,

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


so it's finals week. i have 3 on friday and two on saturday, and then its on to freedom and bigger and better things..(ok so its only 30 days, whatever, dont kick me while im down)...anyways, school is already beyond over in my mind. so new subject! I have actually completed alot of my present shopping for this Christmas and that is super exciting because it stresses me out and everyon usuallys gets their presents around spring break!

On a different note, can we just say that Hobby Lobby and T.J. Maxx are probably my two favorite stores ever?! Hobby Lobby takes me to a place where i just feel like i AM Martha Stewart, and TJ Maxx has just about everything you could ever need at great prices. I am an admitted shopaholic, so its ok. Also lately everything in Bath and Body works is just divine. Secret Wonderland, Twilight Woods, and Winter Candy Apple are my faves, just to name a few. And lets not forget about their keychain hand sanitizers, literally, i think they have kept me semi-well this winter!

Lastly, I having a war in my head over colored/patterned tights for this winter. I absolutely love them and love them on (most) everyone I see, but i just CANT picture myself wearing them....oh well, i did buy a cranberry colored pair to try out and they are pretty tame, so we shall see.

oh yeah, i hate communications as a major..any suggestions???

Peace and Blessings